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Bonafide Squatters

BONAFIDE SQUATTERS, is a documentary that investigates the sub-human living standards experienced by thousands of university students in Lagos, Nigeria.


For over 57,000 students in the University of Lagos, the school only provides 8,000 bed spaces for students to occupy, and less between 2016 - 2017 as two large male hostels have been shut down for renovations, while alternative housing options in the environments outside and around the University are very expensive and subsidized, so it exists as options for a privileged few.


The general lack of space and inadequate accommodation for students is a problem the government and educational boards have offered no reasonable solutions to in decades.


Squatting with friends or paying to be attached to overcrowded little hostel rooms, sleeping in classrooms or abandoned  spaces and buildings, unhealthy and sometimes extremely harmful situations are some consequences of several attempts by students to find accommodation during years at the university.

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